Let things play out

Continuing the thread from yesterday’s post.

My weakness is that I over-analyze just about anything before getting it started.

It is out of my fear of uncertainty. I want to plan everything perfectly, so that they roll out accordingly without any surprises.

Why? Because surprises are scary.

However, this premise is completely wrong. Nothing in life happens as exactly planned. And if it did, what a boring life would it be?

Similar lessons can be learned in an Improv class (which I highly recommend everyone taking at least once!).

Instead of planning every component of the scene in your head and imposing that on your scene partners and the audience, you are encouraged to be present, listen to yourself and what is happening around you, and to follow your instincts. That way, your most authentic self emerges. That authenticity often pleasantly surprises the audience and even yourself as that level of authenticity is so rare in real life.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who commits this crime, missing precious opportunities and beautiful moments in life because I’m too stuck inside my head trying (futilely) to plan everything out in advance.

So next time you do anything and catch yourself hesitating for whatever reason, relax, quit the planning, get outside of your head, and just observe how things pan out.

I know, it’s way easier said than done, but that’s about everything in life. But we still have to keep doing the hard things to get better at them, so that we can be the person that we want to be, doing the things that we only dream of.

Written on August 14, 2019